Hospice FAQs

When is it Time to Call Hospice?

Has someone you love recently been diagnosed with a terminal or life-limiting illness? If so, you may be wondering, “When is it time for hospice care”? While no family member or caregiver ever wants to…

8 Common Myths and Misconceptions of Hospice Care

Are all hospices the same? All hospices are not the same. A hospice can be a community-based, non-profit organization like EverHeart Hospice. However, it can also be for-profit and part of a national chain. When…

The Importance of Discussing End-of-Life Care with Family

Only about one-third of adults have an advance directive that expresses their end-of-life care wishes. There are a number of barriers that keep people from end-of-life and advance care planning. These include a lack of awareness, the…

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