Hospice Care Is Not Giving Up: The Benefits of Hospice Care
Living with any illness can be exhausting. Long days of taking medications, undergoing treatment, and going to appointments can take a toll on the patient’s quality of life. When the medications and treatments are no longer working, it can be difficult and stressful to figure out what comes next.
When a patient receives hospice care, our patient and family-centered care team identify physical, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive needs to support the best possible end-of-life experience.
Hospice is not giving up, and it should be considered for anyone who is facing a terminal or life-limiting illness.
Continue reading to learn how hospice care can provide comfort and support during the end-of-life journey.
What Is Hospice Care?
Hospice care is specialized care that focuses on the comfort and goals of the patient during their life-limiting illness. In many cases, there is no curative treatment available, or the curative treatment has been exhausted.
Every hospice experience is unique and individualized to the patient. Our compassionate care team at EverHeart Hospice offers support and care to the patient and family every step of the journey. We care for the patient and their loved ones with the love and respect we would offer our own family.
We focus on the patient’s needs to improve their overall quality of life. This includes clinical needs, emotional needs, and spiritual needs all while honoring the patients’ end-of-life wishes. Our team’s specialized care allows you to spend more quality time with family, creating treasured memories to cherish forever.
If you or your loved one have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, there may be countless life-altering decisions, modified daily routines, numerous appointments, and unanswered questions. Our hospice team provides a variety of support options and healthcare professionals for the hospice patient and family.
Remember that hospice is hope. Those receiving hospice care experience more comfort, dignity, and compassion during their end-of-life journey. Through symptom management, emotional, psychological, and physical support their final months can be lived in comfort.
When Does Hospice Care Become an Option?
Hospice care becomes an option when a patient’s life-limiting illness is no longer responding to treatment. This is likely when there is no cure or curative treatment has been exhausted. If the patient has a life expectancy of six months or less and decides to stop receiving treatment, the care provided by hospice may help them find solace during end-of-life.
Benefits of Hospice Care
Hospice care treats the person as a whole rather than treating the illness. Our healthcare professionals administer non-curative medication or therapy and interventions so that pain is at a minimum and the patient is comfortable. Spiritual and support services are offered to reduce the patient’s stress and anxiety.
Family members of a loved one going through end-of-life experience a heavy emotional toll of stress and anxiety. Our hospice care team provides a full support system for our patients, caregivers, and families. EverHeart Hospice offers bereavement services to everyone, regardless of their connection with our organization.
At EverHeart Hospice, bereavement support is provided to families of the patient for 13 months following their death.
Hospice Is Not Giving Up
It’s important to remember that choosing to receive hospice care does not mean that you are giving up. It means that the patient wants to focus on comfort, and hospice care can provide the patient and loved ones emotional, spiritual, and physical support, allowing for a higher quality of life surrounded by family and friends.